Spirit’s Sustainability Team accepted our Silver Level Member Award at the Colorado Green Business Network’s (CGBN) Annual Recognition Event in Denver this past week! The CGBN is a voluntary program that encourages, supports, and rewards superior environmental performers that go beyond the requirements of environmental regulations and move toward the goal of true, operational sustainability. With the installation of our Sustainability Management Plan (SMP), we’re working to increase operating efficiency and sustainability throughout all levels of our organization, and we can help you and your company to do the same! Reach out to Conor Merrigan if you would like more information about how Spirit can help you get started on tracking or improve your company’s Sustainability/ESG Reporting.
To learn more about the CGBN and the work we do to make Colorado a healthier place to live, work, and play, check out our new GreenBiz Tracker profile! CGBN Member Directory: https://search.greenbiztracker.org/search