The resulting model must demonstrate that proposed emissions do not cause a deterioration of the established National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for regulated criteria air pollutants.
These air quality modeling assessments are critical to the permit review and approval process. Spirit provides accurate modeling and has the experts in house to interpret the results, ensuring timely success for our clients.
Spirit’s air dispersion modeling experts are equipped with engineering, science and meteorological backgrounds, and decades of experience. They understand atmospheric processes for emissions from sources located at a wide variety of industries, including chemicals, petrochemicals, refining, oil and gas, power, fertilizer, carbon black, solid waste management, and glass.
Spirit assists clients on a variety of regulatory and non-regulatory projects, including:
Several of our modeling experts have conducted source-specific Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) modeling analyses using CALPUFF for chemical, petrochemical and fertilizer plants, and refineries. On behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, Spirit’s modeling experts have also served on teams to provide comprehensive comments to the US EPA on the 2018 and 2025 Modeling Platforms.