We analyze existing and potential environmental risks for our clients’ transactions. We understand industrial processes and can determine capital and operating costs of significant issues that must be addressed. We are often at the negotiating table with counsel helping to prepare acceptable contract language. In the US and abroad, our extensive experience enables us to quickly assemble the right resources to identify environmental risks and liabilities. We work with buyers and sellers to facilitate mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
We conduct cost effective environmental due diligence assessments. They are based on ASTM Standards and/or EPA All Appropriate Inquiry requirements for preparing Phase I ESAs. We then augment the due diligence process with services tailored to address client needs and property-specific issues, as necessary. These services include identifying wetlands, endangered species, cultural resources, compliance assessments, and local planning and zoning constraints. Working with experienced architects, attorneys, engineers, geologists, real estate brokers, and other development professionals, Spirit ensures our clients’ real estate due diligence needs are met.