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Any waste facility wishing to store hazardous waste onsite for a period of more than 90 days, or to treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste onsite, is required to obtain a RCRA Part B Permit.

The Part B permit application is complex and detailed; it requires facility-specific information, demonstration that the facility meets all of the applicable regulatory criteria, and operates in accordance with all applicable standards in 40 CFR Parts 261-264 and 267-268. Spirit’s waste experts guide clients through preparation of a complete, comprehensive Part B permit application that effectively demonstrates compliance with the permitting authority while reducing undue delays in permitting. Our professionals also leverage our knowledge and our close relationships with regulatory agency personnel to negotiate specific provisions of the final RCRA Part B Permit, such as details of the corrective action program, technical details of a groundwater monitoring program, technical details of hazardous waste management units, and other special conditions inserted by the regulatory agency in the draft permit. RCRA permitting is tough enough – Spirit’s experts help clients obtain a permit with provisions that won’t impede business operations!

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